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Faculty position available - Specially Appointed Associate Professor (Full-Time) - Systems biology

  • 04 Jul 2024 8:29 PM
    Message # 13378473

    We are looking for one Associate Professor (Full-Time) who can join my newly founded team led by Dr. Elisa Domínguez Hüttinger at PRIMe, Osaka University in Japan (


    Premium Research Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine (PRIMe), Osaka University


    Work Location

    Suita Campus (2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita-City, Osaka, Japan)


    Specialized Field

    -Multi-scale mathematical modeling

    -Statistical analysis of clinical and experimental data

    -Computational biology and bioinformatics



    -Construction, calibration, validation, and analysis of mechanistic mathematical models

    - Bioinformatics and statistical analysis of dynamical and multi-omics data obtained from cells, organoids, and patients.

    -Planning and carrying out research in collaboration with both wet and dry (computational) PRIMe labs and supervising new lab members.



    -PhD in systems biology or a closely related field

    -Excellent analytical skills, programming expertise, and experience in mechanistic modeling.

    - Competence in basic biology concepts

    - Strong communication skills in English, both oral and written.

    - Eagerness for involvement in a wide range of scientific projects.

    - Capability to work independently as well as collaboratively within a team.


    Starting Date

    After November 1st, 2024 (as soon as possible thereafter)

    Term of employment        From the starting date to March 31, 2025

    *Following completion of the term, the contract may be extended subject to evaluation (the extension limit is March 31, 2032).



    Remuneration: 7,713,600JPY per annum, depending on level of experience. *The salary will be decided according to the responsibilities assigned based on the applicants’ qualifications and experience, Commuting allowance is available.



    Medical insurance and employee’s pension insurance of the Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Employment Insurance and Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance


    Application Documents

    1. A Curriculum Vitae including publication lists (original papers, review papers, books, patents, presentations at international conferences, etc.…) and contact details of at least 2 referees

    2. A short summary of conducted research and current interest (within one A4 page)

    3. Ambition for research and education after the appointment of Specially Appointed Assistant or Associate Professor (within one A4 page)

    Sending Address and Contact Information

    Please submit by e-mail: (Please replace “ with @)

    *Write “Application for Specially Appointed Associate Professor in Dr. Hüttinger Group”

    *Attach the application documents in PDF format (with full security countermeasures).

    Application Deadline      

    September 30, 2024 (Japan Standard Time) * or until the position is filled


    Selection Process

    Document screening will be followed by an interview. Only selected applicants will be notified.

    More information

    The complete call:

    Feel free to drop me an email:

    To learn more about past and ongoing research:

    2 files
    Last modified: 06 Aug 2024 10:25 AM | Elisa Domínguez-Hüttinger

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