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Annual Meeting Travel Awards

The Society for Mathematical Biology provides Landahl Travel Grants to the Annual Meeting for students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior scientists to recognize excellence in mathematical biology and promote greater interaction among mathematical biologists throughout the world. The travel grants provide partial support to attend to the annual meeting, and is typically limited to $500 USD.


  • Applicants must be members of the Society at the time funds are requested.
  • Preference will be given to applicants who have been members of the Society for at least a year preceding the time of application, or whose advisors have been members for at least a year.
  • Preference will also be given to applicants who are presenting a paper or poster at the meeting and those who did not receive a travel grant from the Society the previous year.
  • Preference will be given to applicants in the following priority order: (i) graduate students, (ii) post-doctoral fellows, (iii) non-tenured junior faculty, who do not have sufficient travel funds from other sources, such as grants, (iv) undergraduates, (v) senior scientists with insufficient travel funds, and (iv) non-society members who join at the time of application.
  • Funding is also available for senior scientists living in countries with limited resources, and scientists with limited access to financial resources to fund attendance to meetings.

Travel award recipients are expected to sign up for the mentoring program in order to optimize their conference experience. It is also customary for recipients of the travel grants to contribute to the meeting by helping at the Society for Mathematical Biology Booth.


Selection of awardees will be based on scientific merit. Students’ advisors are expected to recommend only their very best students and to write letters that provide evidence of each student’s excellent achievements in research.

The following materials are required at the time of online application submission:

  • Cover letter addressing the following questions:
    • Explain your role in the research project.
    • Why is it important for you to get a travel award to attend the Annual Meeting?
    • Have you ever attended and/or presented at the Annual Meeting? If so, did you present a poster or platform?
    • What is the long-range goal of your research?
    • What is the significance of your research?
    • What is the most novel aspect of your research?
  • Budget items for travel
  • A copy of the abstract submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
  • A curriculum vitae.
  • Name, affiliation and email address of advisor, who is a regular and current member of the Society.

To apply complete and submit an online application.

The award is currently closed to applications, and will open again in early 2024. Notification will be given shortly after (in advance of the early registration deadline of the meeting).

For questions, please contact the Chair of the Landahl Travel Grants Committee.

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