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Postdoc and student positions in theoretical ecology and invasive species management

  • 24 May 2024 11:07 AM
    Message # 13361394

    Our lab members study how to manage ecological and environmental systems cost-effectively. We use mathematical models to describe the dynamics of biological populations, and we use advanced algorithms to analyze these models and find the optimal way to manage these systems. A major focus of our research is on how to mitigate the accelerated infiltration of harmful species, such as invasive species and pests.

    We are looking for a graduate student and a postdoctoral fellow who will join our lab, develop and analyze mathematical models to understand the dynamics of invasive species facing human management, and analyze cost-effective strategies to control harmful species.

    The position will be located at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Hebrew University, Israel. Although the main campuses of the Hebrew University are in Jerusalem, our campus is located in Rehovot, closer to the center and Tel Aviv.

    The candidates are expected to have a background in Ecology, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, or Computer Science. The postdoctoral fellow is also expected to finish their Ph.D. prior to the start date, and demonstrate an excellent record of developing and analyzing mathematical models.

    If you would like to apply, please send me an email ( explaining your fit and why you are interested in the position. Please attach your CV (including publications) to the email. Please contact me if you have any questions.

    Prof. Adam Lampert,

    Institute of Environmental Sciences

    The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

    The Hebrew University, Rehovot Campus, Israel


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