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2 PhD positions in Mathematical and Computational Oncology at Uppsala University (Sweden)

  • 20 Feb 2024 2:25 AM
    Message # 13317966

    We have two open PhD positions in Mathematical Oncology at Uppsala University, Sweden. We're looking for candidates with a background in physics/mathematics/statistics/similar and a keen interest in using mathematics and AI for applications in cancer research.

    Position 1: PhD student in Machine Learning with a focus on scientific computing for applications in cancer research. Apply by: March 28, 2024. Link

    Position 2: PhD student in interdisciplinary mathematics with a focus on bio-medical modelling. Apply by: March 22, 2024. Link Choose Project 7 in the list of projects.

    Note: The applications to Position 1 and Position 2 are handled by separate electronic inboxes and selection committees. Applicants are therefore encouraged to apply to both positions. 

    We offer:

    • A supportive research environment.
    • Local and International multidisciplinary collaborations.
    • A competitive career progression program.
    • 5 years’ salary.

    More information about the positions is available here:

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