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Postdoc position in mathematics, Italy

  • 01 Dec 2023 10:33 AM
    Message # 13285784

    Dear all, 

    a postdoc position for the duration of 18 months is available at the University of Sassari, Italy. The total salary is 36.000 euro. 

    The hired postdoc, together with the scientific advisor (Iulia Martina Bulai), will develop mathematical methods to process time-varying signals on graphs. The newly hired postdoc will be part of the PRIN project “TIme-varying signals on Graphs: REal and COmplex methods” .

    The deadline for the application is 21st of December 2023. 

    The main objective of this research activity is to do graph signal processing, by using methods already introduced in literature, such as the spectral graph wavelet packet transform (SGWPT). Moreover, the candidate, under the supervision of the scientific advisor, should introduce and study new analytical and numerical methods to process signals on graphs, for example by making use of tools from harmonic analysis research branch. Last, the studied methods will be tested on graphs used to model complex systems such as the brain, etc..

    More dettails at

    Best regards

    Iulia Martina Bulai 

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