Modelling the Impact of NETosis During the Initial Stage of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
by Vladimira Suvandjieva, Ivanka Tsacheva, Marlene Santos, Georgios Kararigas Peter Rashkov
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NETosis, or formation of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) in response to a pathogenic stimulus, is a suspected contributing factor of autoimmunogenicity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Our ODE-based mathematical model studies the interaction between macrophages, neutrophils and two types of antigen with origin in apoptotic waste and NETs during the initial stage of the disease. Analytical and numerical calculations help classify the bifurcations between equilibria, in particular those with presence of autoantigen. The model predicts that even in parameter regimes with efficient clearance of NETs by immune cells, autoantigen can persist stably in tissue, causing chronic inflammation and loss of immune tolerance in the long run.

Sketch of the interactions between cells and antigens studied by our model.